Mercedes Rubio, Ph.D

Mercedes Rubio, Ph.D ,

Dr. Mercedes Rubio graduated in Humanities (Philosophy Department) at the University of Navarra (Spain), obtained the Diplome Européen d’Études Médiévales (Brussels SIEPM – Rome La Sapienza) and received a PhD degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2002. Her publications cover a wide range of topics in Greek, Latin and Hebrew Philosophy and Theology, with particular attention to the fields of theory of knowledge and philosophy of language. Her Doctoral dissertation, Aquinas and Maimonides on the Possibility of the Knowledge of God, won the Shlomo Pines Prize and was later published in the Series “Amsterdam Studies in Jewish Thought.” She is a faculty member of the Polis Institute of Languages and Humanities in Jerusalem, where she also holds the positions of Director of Research and Director of Institutional Relations, and is also Assistant Editor of the Bibliographia Thomistica section of the Corpus Thomisticum international Project.

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